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邮 箱:zhende_888@126.com;zhenchen@wit.edu.cn


2015.9 – 2018.9年 华中科技大学 材料物理与化学 工学博士

2012.9 – 2015.7年 太原理工大学 化学工程与技术 工学硕士

2008.9 – 2012.7年 东北电力大学 轻化工程 工学学士


2021.11 –至今 英国正版365官方网站 365英国上市网站官网 讲师

2018.9 – 2021.11 华中科技大学 材料物理与化学 博士后


1) 能源和环境催化中协同催化作用的构建,包括绿色氧化、环境污染物的消除、二氧化碳吸附/分离及转化等;






3). “2019年湖北省博士后创新人才支持计划”:创新研究岗位项目 主持

4). 英国正版365官方网站科学基金



1). Zhen Chen, Qian Liu, et al. Thepromoting mechanism of in situ Zr doping on the hydrothermal stability ofFe-SSZ-13 catalyst for NH3-SCR reaction, Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 286 (2021)119816 IF= 19.5,Top期刊

2). Zhen Chen, Chi Fan, et al. Theinfluence of phosphorus on the catalytic properties, durability, sulfurresistance and kinetics of Cu-SSZ-13 for NOx reduction by NH3-SCR, Appl. Catal.B: Environ. 237 (2018) 116–127. IF= 19.5,Top期刊

3). Zhen Chen, Ce Bian, et al. An efficientstrategy to regenerate phosphorus-poisoned Cu-SSZ-13 catalyst for the NH3-SCRof NOx: the deactivation and regeneration mechanism of phosphorus. ACS Catal.11, 21(2021), 12963–12976 IF = 13.0,Top期刊

4). Zhen Chen, Chi Fan, et al. One-potsynthesis of high performance Cu-SAPO-18 catalyst for NO reduction by NH3-SCR:Influence of silicon content on the catalytic properties of Cu-SAPO-18, Chem.Eng. J., 348 (2018) 608–617. IF = 13.2,Top期刊

5). Zhen Chen, Chi Fan, et al. Directsynthesis of submicron Cu-SAPO-34 as highly

efficient and robust catalystfor selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3, Appl

Surf Sci. 448 (2018)671–680. IF = 6.7,Top期刊

6). Zhen Chen, Ce Bian et al. The role ofSi coordination structures in the catalytic properties and durability ofCu-SAPO-34 as NH3-SCR catalyst for NOx reduction. Chin. Chem. Lett. 33, 2,(2022), 893-897 IF = 6.7

7). Chi Fan, Zhen Chen(Co-first author), etal. The influence of Si/Al ratio on the catalytic property and hydrothermalstability of Cu-SSZ-13 catalysts for NH3-SCR, Appl. Catal. A, Gen. 550 (2018)256–265 IF = 5.7

8). Shujun Ming, Lei pang, ZhenChen*(Co-corresponding author), Tao Li* et al., Chemical deactivation ofCu-SAPO-18 deNOx catalyst caused by basic inorganic contaminants in dieselexhaust, Chin. J Catal. 40 (2019) 590–599 IF = 8.2,Top期刊

9). Qian Liu, Ce Bian, ZhenChen*(Co-corresponding author), Tao Li* et al., Influence of calcinationtemperature on the evolution of Fe species over Fe-SSZ-13 catalyst for theNH3-SCR of NO, Catal. Today 388–389, (2022), 158-167 IF = 6.7

10). Qian Liu, Ce Bian, ZhenChen*(Co-corresponding author), Tao Li* et al., The opportunities andchallenges of iron-zeolite as NH3-SCR catalyst in purification of vehicleexhaust Appl. Catal. A, Gen. 607 (2020) 117865 IF = 5.7

11). Lei Guo, Zhen Chen*( Co-correspondingauthor), Tao Li* et al., One-Pot Synthesis of the Cu-SAPO-18 Catalyst UsingWaste Mother Liquid and its Application in the SCR of NOx with NH3, Ind. Eng.Chem. Res., 59 (2020) 49, 21275-21285. IF = 3.7

12). Ce Bian Zhen Chen*( Co-correspondingauthor), Tao Li* et al., Recent Progress of Pd/zeolite as Passive NOx adsorber:adsorption chemistry, structure-performance relationships, challenges andprospects Chin. Chem. Lett. 33, 3, (2022), 1169-1179 IF = 6.7


CN 201711479894.7;CN109985662A;CN109985663A;CN 2020108664383;CN2020108454633
